7 reasons why corporate videos Are essential for small and medium enterprises.

corporate video production

If you run a small or medium company, you may use different marketing strategies such as social media marketing, YouTube ads, tv commercials, etc. They help your business in getting more popularity and increase your profit and sales ratio. Using a corporate video and adding video marketing to your list would be a good strategy and a great idea.

Videos are an excellent way to convey your story to your targeted customers. Every company, brand or individual can come up with a video but creating one with a purpose is what makes will help you sell more. It is also an effective way to communicate the right message and invoke your viewers to purchase your products/services.

With the rise of technology, many production companies have emerged. They provide services like the creation of animations, music videos, short films, infographics, tv commercials, motion graphics etc. Many businesses have taken their brands to the next level with the help of creative production professionals keeping in mind the interests of the client’s targeted audience.

What are Corporate Videos?

Corporate videos are high-quality videos produced by a production company or a creative team that elaborates a brand’s story to a specific group of people. It is always created with a purpose, such as it can be dedicated to a brand, promotion, product or service.  

A corporate video can help to increase the productivity of small and medium-sized enterprises. These moving visuals in the form of video footage, explainer, animation or motion graphics are produced while keeping in mind the interests of your clients and customers so that the viewers are able to connect more deeply with your business, resulting in an increase in your sales, website traffic and ultimately profits.

Advantages of Corporate Video Production for Businesses

1. Easy Marketing

One of the key essential benefits of a corporate video is that they can be an easy and fun way to market and showcase your business. They shouldn’t be too fancy Hollywood-like videos.  It has to be believable and genuine.   They should be focused on user interests, product uses, and industry trends. Videos remind your audience that the company is run by people having similar interests, values, and beliefs.

2. Corporate Videos Tell Your Story

Videos provide you with an opportunity to tell your story to your audience most excitingly and creatively. Another reason for them to be compelling for small and medium businesses is that they provide you with an opportunity to explain the benefits of your product without any commercial limitations. For example, television and radio commercials are limited to 30 – 60 seconds, but there are no restrictions on the duration of a corporate video. Although you can make longer videos, it is recommended to keep the length of the reel to under 4 minutes.  A seasoned producer will have the vision to work on a long-form reel that can later be spliced into shorter versions that will retain the style and still make sense for social media sharing.

3. Search Engines Love Videos

It’s nothing new that search engines like Google and YAHOO fancy videos, it’s just even more so now.  However, it is important that your video content is professionally documented with the appropriate tags and description, and it provides information or a solution to the problems that your viewers are searching for. It will rank higher in the search engines. You can also use YouTube to build a large amount of audience and create your brand following. Again, links from your YouTube Videos can only do more good by providing link juice to your website.  By doing so, you will have gained an edge over your competitors.

4. Easy on Eyes

According to research, nowadays, the human species prefers to watch than reading. People love to see visuals and moving objects. People love to watch a video as they are much more comfortable than to read which feels like they are actually doing some work.

5. Best Tool For Brand Awareness

Videos are a combination of visuals and audio, which makes them unique. They help stimulate real-life experiences to your audience. They can help your customers feel the product even if they have never bought it. It is the most powerful tool for brand awareness. You can also include soundtrack in your videos which help in enhancing the mood and intensity of your customers.

6. Videos help with Search Engine Ranking

Let’s not forget the fact that when your people visit your website.  The amount of time they spend on your page actually plays a part in your ranking factor.  If they watch a video on your website, they spend a longer period on your site thus decreasing your website’s bounce rate.  This can also help in improving your ranking on search engines especially Google. 

7. Easy to Share

Great videos are most likely to be shared, and it is easily shareable. You can use different social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok etc., for sharing your videos  or post and making them reach more people. It will help increase engagement with customers in the form of comments and discussions. There is also a probability that people will share your video post with their friends and relatives, and in this way, a never-ending chain will start within a short time. You can get millions of views without even paying an extra penny.  Of course, your content has to be share-worthy.

So, from the above discussion, it goes to show that having a corporate video for your company or brand plays a crucial role in making an organisation more successful. But they should be produced with the help of a professional corporate video production company so that you get the best corporate videos done for your company.  One that is of high quality and one that works. There are production houses that focus on video quality, and there are others that focus on your business strategy.  Reach out to a professional video production house here in Malaysia that focuses on both the production value and the strategic content if you wish to take your business to the next level. We offer a wide range of video production services, including 2D and 3D animation, at the most affordable rates.  Remember to take a look at some corporate video examples in our portfolio page.









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